Friday, September 9, 2011

Setting Time

Alright guys I'm posting today to solve the issue of Clan Match Making and the issues we have had with Time.

Currently S13s majpr members are spread across 3 time zones, Uniform, Romeo, And Kilo.

To help coordinate things I'm going to start announcing things in Military Zulu time format. SO an example would be Clan Match Sep 11th 1300 Zulu Time you would then convert it to your corresponding time with this chart.

(24 Hour Time MM:DD:YY)
Uniform - USA Pacific Coast -8 hours (0500 Uniform = 1300 Zulu)
Romeo - USA Eastern Coast -5 hours (0800 Romeo = 1300 Zulu)
Kilo - AUS Eastern Coast +10 hours (2300 Kilo = 1300 Zulu)
Zulu - UK Full Island =00 Hours

So If Mikebravo9er says:
Clan Match 9.10.11 1300 Kilo
For Uniform that's 9.9.11 1900 Uniform.
For Romeo that's 9.9.11 2200 Romeo.

I hope this will Help solve any confusion in the Future

See You On the Battlefield

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