Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Little Off Topic

First off let me just say this is not S13 related in any way.

Now that that's over seeing as how I have no other alternative means of venting my current frustration I'm using this blog for a personal post to alleviate stress and to keep me busy. I'm not going into any details of why I'm so irate at this point in time because, and forgive any rudeness as it is not intended. It's No one eases' business than my own.

As you may or may not have noticed at this point in the rant. For those of You that know me a little more than other members you'll notice how my grammar has broadened more than the usual slew of slang terminology or profanities.

The one thing that you have to understand about me when I'm as aggravated as I am now, is that unlike most people that get hot headed and lose their composure. I trend more to analyzing, cleaning, and reverting to a more "Educated" state for the lack of a better term. In other words, I think. I delve into deep thoughts and ponder on the current situation to try and resolve my current dilemma, hence the correction in my terminology, speech, and grammar patterns.

The internet is a curios thing of mankind's making. It truly is the best example of mans need for social interaction on any level. Being connected with billions of other users, knowing that anytime of day someone is online. Whats even more curious is the current generations, "Fascination with documenting their every thought ion digital form."

As its been awhile since I started writing this the anger seems to have been sated for now by my other intellectual thoughts. Now I sit here mulling around the idea of whether or not to actually publish this post. The conclusion inevitably being yes as I see no reason not to post. I hope you enjoyed this evenings rant, as they are very few and far in between dont expect a follow up anytime soon.

See you on the Battlefield

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