Monday, January 9, 2012

S13 Update

Update in Progress...
INCOMING DATA ...................................................................................................................
S13 MEMBER LOG IN: s3kShUn08
DOB: 4/12/90
AUTHORIZATION CODE:********************
Wow, been gone a month and it seems I have missed a lot. It's unfortunate for all of us that there seems to have been no resolution to what was once a minor conflict of interest within our clan. I've been busy with work so entertainment time was at an all time low (Christmas season and all) It saddens me that our fun clan has lost some good members, but I hope that doesn't mean we have lost good friends. As I was not here during the major portion of the "Split" I still remain neutral to either side. In a larger scale both parties are to blame.

1. Mikebravo, should have been a little clearer with the structuring of the clan, In all honesty yes we should have a leader but at the same time having independent squad leaders would have allowed for more freedom and an equal footing for all parties involved while maintaining a structure to possible new recruits.

2. Ritterkreuz, a lot of time and hard thought is obvious from many of the suggestions you brought up. However, and I can only stipulate as to whether or not this next comment is valid. You really should have discussed this with everyone rather than just a few people. In my opinion this is what probably lead Mike ti believe you were going around him rather than working with the clan as a whole.

Again this is mere stipulation on my as an observer of comments and stories from either side.

However what I do not appreciate or endorse in anyway is the actions that followed after.

To ALL parties involved I find that the vicious slander against each other is distasteful, and completely uncalled for.

To Mike, I expect someone as clan leader to compose themselves to such a manner as deemed worthy of such position and to act accordingly. If there are those unhappy with the current state of the clan, the have no prerogative to stay. It is their choice whether they want to stay or leave.

To Ritter, Jootino, Zulu, and Kiwi, I have no qualms with your decision to start your own Clans/Platoons. However if you were unhappy with the current state of things all that was required was that you let everyone no that this wasn't going where you thought it was leading. That you were deciding to take things in another direction and that others had the same mind set as yourselves, and that you decided to start anew in your own way.

In all honesty I would like both parties to reconcile their differences as playing with all of you has been a great experience. Its a shame something as simple as VOIP, and squad problems could lead to such childish actions as name calling and "you cant be with us" mentality.

As for me personally I take some responsibility for this mess as I initially worked with everyone to try and consolidate ALL ideas into a more cohesive concept. In a way I was go between for may people passing on ideas to S13s main group.

Just so we are clear I take no sides in this as from my observations I see both "Faults" and Justification in both parties. In other words I agree and disagree with both arguments. If anyone needs another squad mate just shoot me an invite. I hold no grudges over this matter and still enjoy playing with you all.

So my brothers...

See You on the Battlefield.

s3kShUn08 LOGGED OFF...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Update in Progress...

INCOMING DATA ....................................................................................................................
S13 MEMBER LOG IN: s3kShUn08
DOB: 4/12/90
AUTHORIZATION CODE:********************
Most of you know by now that 3 weeks ago i was on the verge of being homeless, with the only prospect of keeping in touch with all of you guys out there being a coffee shop with free wifi. As some members of S13 may already be aware I am proud to say that THIS is no longer an issue, and that I have been blessed with THREE FREAKING JOB OPPORTUNITIES AT ONCE! HOORAH!
Ahemm...Needless to say I am excited to be reemployed as jobs are scarce, especially here in California. The purpose of this message is primarily for Major S13 leaders. I will remain to be the S13 Echo Unit leader, over the next coming two months, (NOVEMBER, DECEMBER) my schedule will be fluctuating. I will be working 2 jobs and have college classes. Some days will consist of 0400-1000 hours for job 1, 1100-1500 job 2, and 1600-0100 for school, followed by the same schedule the next day, and yes that's right 5:00pm to 1:00am for SCHOOL. Days off will be few I'm sure but I am writing the current tactics for BF3 and will be posting them ASAHP. the job choices i have are:
1 Costco Warehouse, Union Building, Pay $11.00USD/PER HOUR, Distance 30 Miles Gas a week $80
2 Cinemark, Movie attendant, Pay $8.00/per hour, distance 1 mile gas $4
3 Jack in the box,
Pay $8.00/per hour, distance 1 mile gas $4
No matter what jobs ill take I'll be on BF3 as much as I can afford.
Just remember that S13 is Family and Real life Responsibilities come before the clan.
So my brothers...

See You on the Battlefield.

s3kShUn08 LOGGED OFF...

Friday, September 23, 2011

My Future

OK guys I'm in day 5 of my 2 weeks until I'm homeless basically.

Some of you might ask why I'm still playing at a time like this? or Hows it Going?

Simply put:
1. time difference I see most of you at 1800 Uniform time or later.
2. Yes I'm still job searching (most don't care I bet though, can't argue there xD)
3. I have 3 interviews lined up already I just need a YES (GOD WILLING)

The main goal of this part time job is simply cash income of course to help pay bills, (most have been done with savings since I was laid off) and to pay for college

My future goal is three fold actually
1. Start a Digital Graphics media company (Making Commercials, Music Videos, advertisements Digital and hard copy, all with a few bodies of mine)
2. After or during the same time I'd also would like to start an independent gaming company or work with a gaming company (Double threat FTW)
3. Start my website for personal and business aspects.

all in all the total for the start up investment is around $25,000 USD
substantial as that may seem INTERNS that are paid at $30 USD per HOUR for a full day that's $240 or $53,000 a year not bad huh?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

s3kShUn08 Extended Leave

Alright guys I'm taking the time to write this post so that people will know whats going on.

As some of you may know I was laid off and have been looking for a job recently.

My situation hasn't grown worse over the past six months and as such I now have two weeks time to secure a job or I'll be out on the streets for for an indefinite amount of time with only coffee shop wifi to keep in touch with S13.

I live in the Yolo county/Sacramento region in California (WORST PLACE TO LOOK FOR JOBS) and I'm at my ropes end. With a truck and gas prices commuting is not ideal and in the long run counter productive to my goal (MONEY,) anything further than 14 miles from home and gas/income will be, at 20hr/week, $76/$254, per pay period at minimum wage or $8.25/hr.

Acceptable for the position I'm in currently. Ideally it would be $76/$440 for a total of $364 a pay period. Would give me more wiggle room but hey I'm not picky right now.
So that's just the heads up IF I'm luck, and God Willing, I'll get a job' otherwise I might not be on BF3 on release date or for a long time after.

That's all the Intel for now guys I'll try and keep up with some updates and keep S13 informed. I'll leave Deathrose88 in charge of Echo unit for the time being with Crossbreed in second in command below Deathrose.

See you on the Battlefield.
s3kShUn08......On Leave..

Saturday, September 17, 2011

S13 Clan Roster

S13 Clan Roster
ALPHA-Leader MikeBravo9er:

BRAVO-Leader SierraBravo-M78:

ECHO-Leader s3kShUn08:

GOLF-Leader Goryinche:
007_eleven,Ritterkreuz352,jaydenrooks,ARC_666, The_Commando-666

YANKEE-Leader Jootino:

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Beta Confirmed

DICE France Rep. says that Beta is ready just waiting on SONY and microsoft to approve content that way they can release all platform betas simultaneously.