Wednesday, August 31, 2011

S13 Recording games?

As of now S13 has no recording capabilities, other than the occasional camera phone or other SD recording method.

SierraBravo is looking at some other capture cards as one possible means to record videos for S13.

On my side of things I'm going to try getting a Blackmagic Intensity capture card link:

I also have to continue to pay 2 prorders and a Stereo headset all in all about $400+ total after taxes, S+H fees.

With no job I it may take a little longer but the question is what takes priority. my 2 preoders are Ace Combat: Assault Horizon, and Dead Island. BF3 is already paid off. All 3 are released in a two month period. AC:AH is almost paid off should i drop Dead Island? that would leave just the Headset and Capture card Total of $300.

Since I have $100 now a few small jobs I can have the card in 10 weeks time and S13 will be in business.

So I'll buy the headset and my other prorder and hopefully have the other 200 by January

If I'm lucky in October I'll have a solid job again and it will be much easier.

Donations are nice as well :P

PC gamers can now quit their bitchn'

Monday, August 29, 2011

Why I only played Black Ops for 3 months. 3 months was a little too long for me